Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Ry and Bai!


I can't believe our sweet baby girls are already one year old. As I looked back on pictures to do this post, I was reminded of what we went through to get them here safely, and how fragile they were when they made their debut on this earth.  You look at them now-- so chunky and squishy, it's hard to believe they are the same babies we brought home from the hospital.  I still look at them sometimes and can't believe we have twins.  I feel like this first year of their lives has been a whirlwind.  After having a difficult time getting pregnant with Makee I never thought we would end up with a two year old and TWO babies.  But we've made it!  And I wouldn't change it for the world.  I love those little girls so much.  They make my heart hurt.  I'll never forget when Daniel blessed them when they were born, he told them that they were able to come to earth with their best friend.  I hope Bailee and Rylin will always be best friends.  They already have a bond.  They don't like to sleep without each other.  And falling asleep has been more difficult than it used to be because I will hear giggles and squeals coming from their room at naptime.  They play so cute with each other and with Makee.  They are all so close in age I know they will all be good friends.  They are the sweetest little girls, and they have blessed our lives more than we could ever imagine.  They make us laugh so hard with their funny little personalities.  Right now the girls are still crawling and not walking, which I am just fine with!  They pull themselves up to everything.  They eat pretty much everything, although Bai seems to be pickier than Ry.  We've started giving them whole milk instead of formula, and they have done great!  We're just glad we don't have to buy formula anymore.  They are both little screamers--actually the loudest screaming girls I've ever met.  Sometimes when they are mad, but a lot of the time when they are just excited about something.  Neither one likes to miss out on the fun.  If anyone walks out of a room, no matter who it is, they will start crying because they are afraid they might be missing out on the party.  They are so funny.  They are so curious, and it's so fun to watch them grow.  Bailee has developed such a temper!  It’s kind of funny, but not really.  But I’ve been either blowing in her face or putting my hand over her mouth when she screams, and so now when she screams she puts her hand over her own mouth or tries to blow back.  She is such a little copy cat.  She also copies coughing and laughing.  Or when I say, "Oh no!"  She will put her hand on her head.  She has also started saying Mama, and she has been saying Dada for quite a while.  And she gives the best kisses!  All you have to say is “kiss” and she will lean in.  It’s really sweet.  She is so funny.  I can tell she might be our free spirit.  She seems very adventurous—always busy exploring new things and getting into new trouble.  She’s not too snuggly because she is always onto the next adventure.  Rylin, on the other hand is a snuggle BUM.  Maybe not compared to other babies, but definitely compared to her sister.  She is very sweet and very sensitive.  She gets her feelings hurt very easily, and when she does, it’s the saddest little cry!  Both of the girls are good at waving, but Ry is so funny because if she’s in the middle of crawling or doing something and you wave at her, she stops whatever it is so she can wave back.  And she just flaps her little hand like crazy.  Today she hit herself in the head during a wave craze.  Ry also loves to pretend she’s talking on the phone.  If you say, “Hello?”  She’ll hold her chubby little hand up to her ear and make talking sounds.  Anything that looks remotely like a phone goes straight up to her ear.  Ry also blows when she screams lately.  Today Ry started clapping after me.  And when she is proud of herself, she will give you the cheesiest grin.  It's so funny.  Oh, they are such a handful, but so so sweet.    So here's a little overview of the first year of Bailee and Rylin's lives.  Sorry about all the labels--but that's what you have to do with two babies that look exactly alike
This is Rylin at 11 months, even though I labeled it at 10 months
.                                       (Ry and then Bai)
Happy first birthday little girls!  We love you more than you will ever know.


Whitney said...

I have the most beautiful nieces anyone has ever seen. I don't think I had even seen this yet. It made me cry, I love them so much. You guys are so lucky to have been given these two angels, I wish I could have been there to hear the blessings the little girls were given, but Daniel was right, they will be best friends, just like you and me. I love you my little Ry and Bainor