Saturday, May 8, 2010

The 7 year Itch

Yup. These pictures were taken 7 years ago. I can't really believe it. I told some friends that our 7 year wedding anniversary was coming up. They asked if we were getting the "Seven year itch," where apparently you start itching to get out. All I'm itchin' for is Dan. Yeah, I know I'm cheesy, but he's used to that after 7 years. Really, Dan is such a good man. He does so much for me and our little family. I do have life good. I can't imagine going through this journey with anyone but him. Here's a short review of what our first six years have been like:
Year 1 (May 8, 2003): Got married. Dan graduated from college.
Year 2: I graduated from college. We bought our house!
Year 3: Dan worked to get his Masters. I taught first grade.
Year 4: We had Makee!
Year 5: Nothing too exciting here, but we managed to keep ourselves busy with work, Mak, and our church callings.
Year 6: We had Bailee and Rylin!
Happy Anniversary Dan My Man! Wow. 7 Years! We've sure accomplished a lot in 7 years. I hope our next 7 is even better than our last. I love you.


Crafts Blog said...

Congrats!! 7 years sure goes by fast:)!! Hope you did something awesome to celebrate!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

I remember thinking that 7 years or 10 years seemed like such a long time... now we're coming up on our 6 year anniversary and it seems like the time has just flown by.

Alana said...

wow! i cant believe it has been that long! you guys have the cutest little family! congratulations on 7 years!

Nicole said...

Congrats on a great 7 years! By the way, we decided to make our family blog private but we'd love you guys to be able to read it if you want. I can send you an invitation. Are you on Facebook? Look me up (Nicole Anderson Stevens) and send me your email address if you'd like!