Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dr. Love or Dr. Anderson?

I hope that one day my son makes me proud with the profession he chooses. I will love him no matter what. But I have to say he scares me sometimes. I took one look at him today and I could only think of one thing--Chippendales. I've been told he's already a lady's man. But Makee, please. I'm pleading with you. Not this. In case you are wondering about how this happened, he found the bow tie from his tux from Whit's wedding. He wore it all day with his jeans and T-shirt. After a blow-out, this is all that was left. I gotta admit, this kid is pure entertainment.

He might one day be a "Cook."Or a food criticOr a plumber...Or a Doctor. Dr. Anderson. Makee's little friend Jack gave him this stethoscope. He plays with it all the time.
Mak--This is your Mom again. You don't have to be a doctor when you grow up. Just do something you enjoy--as long as it's not a male dancer.


::Kayla:: said...

lol thats so awesome! very good laugh!

Alana said...

oh my gosh. that is the cutest/funniest thing! what a hoot. glad he keeps ya on your toes. SO CUTE!

Unknown said...

I LOVE this post! The 'chip-and-dale' pictures crack me up. Hopefully he gets that out of his system before he chooses a career (haha). What a funny guy.

Jenna Anderson said...

haha, those pictures of Makee are so cute!

Nicole said...

I dunno--I hear those male dancers make great money, assuming they can peel it out of their g-strings! :D So cute pictures. What an amazing guy.

Trisha said...

Those pictures are priceless, what a cutie.

Nick & Bon said...

Love the pics! What a cutie :)