I hate to dub Rylin our drama diva for life, but for right now, she seems to be quite a bit more dramatic than Bai. Most pictures we have of Ry lately she is crying. She wants what she wants when she wants it. She's given her daddy a big head lately because she loves to just lay on his chest. She loves him so much. Rylin is the sweetest little thing. She's usually a very happy girl. What we've learned about the Ry Dog is she doesn't like to be alone. As long as she is hanging out with us and can see us, she is happy just sitting and playing with her toys.The Bailinator is not nearly as dramatic, although she does have her moments. But oftentimes, we will go to check on a crying baby, (and usually it's Rylin), and Bai will just be lying there sucking on her two favorite fingers--her pointer and middle finger. She's not much of a binkie baby. All she needs is those fingers. Bailee has a smile that just melts my heart, and she smiles all the time...even when she doesn't feel good. She is so so sweet. BaiBai is often happy just playing by herself as long as she has some fun toys. She is always grinning at Rylin and Makee. She loves to watch them.
Both the girls love Makee so much. They love to watch him play, and he loves playing with them. Mak always says, "Baby, watch!" Makee calls the girls "Baby and Whiney." He loves having a constant audience. I don't see the girls smile as much as they smile at their brother. And he is always bringing the girls their toys and their binkies, and he is also so sweet to share his toys with his sisters. The other day he was letting Rylin suck on his favorite stuffed bunny, and he grabbed the sopping wet ear and said, "Ew, Nassy (nasty)!" But he didn't hesitate to give it back to her. Whenever the girls go to touch his face or his hair, he giggles so hard. He thinks they are trying to tickle him. Makee is the best big brother ever.We sure have three fun kiddos! I have to admit that some days are not so fun. In fact, some days all three of my kids are crying--So is their mommy, and I don't know how I'll make it through another day. But then I get a smile or a giggle, or a snuggle from one of my three Squishees, and I remember why it's all worth it.
That was such a great post with such cute pictures of the kiddos. I can't believe how much I love them and how much I miss them. It makes me sad to see pictures of them in clothes that I have never seen. It is just a small part of what I am going to miss out on over the next two years but I know I will still be close to them and hopefully they will always love their crazy aunt Wee. I love you my doodle, bee, and whiney!
They are so stinkin' cute! I bet they're getting to be so much fun. Hope to see you guys again soon!
The girls are absolutely adorable Lyns!! I can't believe they are already six months :) We'll have to get together sometime soon!
Lyns the are just so adorable I want to see them so bad, we should totally get together sometime and catch up, your family is to cute!
That was so much fun reading about your little girls. They are SOO cute! I think that look a lot like you. That is great that you can see their different personalities stand out. I love the pictures of them crying. For some reason it just melts my heart. Glad you guys are all doing well. Happy 6 mo.!
Oh my heck! I can't believe how much they look like Makee! What beautiful children you have! I can't believe I have never seen them... Hmmm... we should do something about that! :) I heard Whit moved away! I can only imagine how hard that must have been for you guys! We could never replace Whit, but If you ever need to fill the sister void Linds and I are here!
Love and miss ya!
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