I am very behind on my blogging, but I haven't seemed to have any time lately. Here are a few pics of the girls we took when they were about 3 1/2 months old:

Oh, these little girls are so squishy! They are getting so chunky. Their little personalities are really starting to come out, and it's so fun to watch. Bailee is so talkative. She chatters all the time. She just stares at us and has full on conversations with us. And she is so happy. All you have to do is look at her and she gives you a huge grin. RyRy is also such a happy girl. She is a bit more dramatic, though. If you put her down, she gives you the saddest look I've ever seen with the hugest frown. It's so sad! But it's kind of funny too. She gets so excited about things. If she's happy, she just squeals with delight. We love our sweet little girls!
They have gotten so big andd cute! It was fun to spend some time with you guys this weekend!
These girls are ADORABLE. You guys have great genes because all of your kids are just so cute! You should have lots of kids! j/k ;)
Ooh ooh squishies! They are so gorgeous, and I don't even know which is which most the time! I love you my squishy little big eyed beauties!
oh my heck! they are SO cute! wow. You really do make cute kids:) I don't know how you keep them apart, though! how fun!
I wonder why you don't have time to blog, you busy mother of three! The girls are so cute and getting so big. We should all get together in December when my mom comes for Christmas!
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