These are a few pics I found on our camera from when the girls are about 6 or 7 weeks old. They've chunked up a lot since then! Rylin is in the purple bow, and Bailee is wearing the blue one. We also got some cute pictures with their very sweet big brother.
We took them in last Friday for their two month appointment, and Rylin weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz. Bailee weighed 9 lbs. 11 oz! Little chunksters have both about doubled their weights. We are so proud! Bailee was 22 inches long--1/2 longer than Ry-Ry! The Dr. said everything looks great with them, and they seem like they are doing excellent. They are growing so fast! I was putting away some of their little preemie clothes the other day, and I can't believe they used to be that tiny! It made me a little sad that they've grown so fast, but I'm so happy they have done so well. Bailee is in blue in these next few pics, and Rylin is in green.
I do have to say that we have spent way too much time at the Doctor's office AND Primary Children's Medical Center lately. Our little girls have been through the ringer lately! Our primary care doctor told us that Rylin needed to have an ultrasound to have her hips checked since she was breach in the womb. I guess they are finding that people that were breach have major hip problems when they reach their 40's. So, after an ultrasound, they concluded that one of her hips looked shallow. So then we had to go back up to Primary's to see an orthopedic surgeon. But she said we could wait a month and see how she looks then. If her hips still look shallow, she will need to wear a harness around her hips for a few months. So we will be taking her up to Primary's again for another ultrasound and appointment with the doctor. We also have to get Bailee checked out to make sure everything is okay with her although she wasn't breach.
Our little Bai-Bai gave us quite a scare the other night! She was up crying all night long with a lot of nasal congestion and a fever of 99.7. I called the doctor the next day to see what I should do. They said to bring her in. By that day, she felt much cooler than she had the night before. But at the doctor's office, her temperature was 100.6. I'm not sure what her temp was the night before, because she was much warmer then. I guess our thermometer was not very accurate. The doctor told us that as young as she was and the fact that she was premature, we needed to take her up to Primary's to be sure it was nothing more serious than a virus. So I picked up Dan on my way up and we took our sweet little Bailee to the hospital. While we were there, they ran a urine test, blood work, and worst of all, a spinal tap to rule out the possibility of meningitis. I could not be in the room when they gave her that big needle in her back. But Dan stayed in there with her. The doctor told us to plan on her being admitted to the hospital. After she had been through everything, Dan was holding his little girl in his arms, and she kept lifting up her head and smiling at him. Oh, it was so sweet! Well, six hours after we initially arrived at the hospital, results concluded that all the tests were negative. And we got a call today to confirm that the cultures were for sure negative. What a blessing! We were so glad that it's just a virus. It's just too bad that she had to go through all that to find out that it was nothing serious. They said that is the only way to rule out anything scary. We were so happy to be taking our precious little girl home that night. But being up there really makes you count your blessings. I feel so blessed to have such healthy children that haven't had to spend their lives in a hospital. Heavenly Father has truly watched over our family because there have been so many times our kids have been sick with things that could be much more serious than they turn out to be. What a week! I'm seriously running on next to no sleep. But I'm just so happy that all my kids are healthy.
And our little girls are so sweet! They are becoming so aware of things. They are really starting to focus on things and people. Bailee smiled at me on Saturday, and Ry smiled at me for the first time on Monday. It just melted my heart! Twins and a two year old are so much work, but those little smiles make everything worth it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Our Growing Girls
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Lyndsie, I don't know how you do it. You are super mom indeed. Those girls are so sweet and are getting so big. Makee is so big and so cute too, I love, love, love his hair! Hang in there!
What a precious family. Hang in there Lyndsie and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Your girls are so cute! They look just like Mak. I hope you're doing well!
Poor little girls, I hope they are done with the doctors visits soon. They are so sweet!
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