Today is the Mak Daddy's birthday. I can't believe our precious little boy is two years old! It is crazy to think it has been two years since he made his debut into this world at 5 lbs. 3 oz. Every day has been so fun! It has been so entertaining watching Makee grow from a tiny baby into a mischievous little boy. He's been a little fart lately, but I know things have been hard for him since his sisters were born. And I haven't had as much patience with him as I would have liked. But he sure is a lot of fun. Here are some of the things the Doodle is saying and doing right now:
- "So Soy, I Yuh, you!" That means, "Toy Story, I love you!" He loves this movie. We pretty much watch it at least once (usually twice) a day. He calls Buzz "Budz," Andy "Annie,", and Woody "Woodldl."
- Makee loves doing whatever Dan or I are doing. He brushes his teeth, puts on deoderant, helps cook, vacuum, do laundry, everything. This means everything we do takes three times as long, but that's okay! We love our little helper.
- No, we still haven't cut his hair. Dan likes it because he thinks it's the "surfer dude" look. I think it's the "Hoodlum" look.
- One of the Mak Attack's favorite things to do are try on everyone's shoes--whether they are Daddy's, Mommy's, or even Isabelle's princess high heels.
- Mak's favorite book is Eric Carle's "Head to Toe." He can do all the animal actions. He is also very good at making animal sounds like "Moo, Baa, Cack (Quack), (Ee-ee--ee-for a monkey)
- He loooves fruit, just like his Daddy. This means he's still having frequent blow-outs. Ummm, is this normal? I don't think so. We try to counteract with cheese, but it doesn't always work. No matter what he's eating, he eats it about two fistfuls at a time. Dan has been trying to teach him the words, "Portion control!"
- He still loves balls. Right now he is really liking kicking balls and playing soccer.
- Makai loves dancing! It is hilarious to watch him. He basically only has one move, which is standing on one foot on the tip of his toes and thumping down flat on the other foot while clapping his hands at the same time. It is so funny! He loves all kinds of music.
- The Squish also loves being outside. It doesn't matter what he's doing, as long as he is outside. A fork and some dirt can occupy him for hours if we let it.
- Something not so pleasant that our little boy has picked up on is tantrums. If he doesn't get what he wants, or if someone (like Isabelle) takes something from him, he will often scream! This makes me want to rip my hair out. We've actually been working on this, and he has become much better.
- Makai is a super dipper, just like me. He will dip his french fries in honey mustard, fry sauce, and back in honey mustard. Then he licks it off and starts over. Yes, I'm a dipper, but not a licker.
- The Mak continues to love his little sisters. He calls them both "Wy-Wy (for Ry-Ry). But he loves them both to pieces. We have to watch him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't share his treats or his big heavy toys because he just goes and sets them on top of the babies.
- Makee has become very good at saying "Sorry" (except for he says, "Soshu"). He says sorry if he hurts someone (usually), or if someone is sad, he says sorry. He even says sorry to his toys if he accidentally drops them.
- Mak has started liking helping to say prayers at night. He repeats whatever we say...if the attention span is long enough for that night
- Still loving the binkie! But he always leaves it in his crib until bedtime or naptime, so we're making progress.
Every morning when Mak wakes up, I hear "Heh-Yo!" (Hello) and "Mama!" over and over again until I go to get him.
- Recently our little mischief maker has discovered that he loves crayons--and that they work on things other than paper. Luckily, we have discovered the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. That thing's a lifesaver!
- Makai is finally becoming quite the little talker. Most of the time he comes up to me rambling on and on strings of words, and I have no idea what he is saying. But every day he surprises me with new words he comes up with. He is also getting very good at saying everyone's names in the family. And he can pretty much tell us whatever he wants now. He's also become a little mimicker. He copies everything! If I'm ever yelling for Dan, I hear "Dan!" I have a constant little echo. He's got the cutest little voice!
- Every day that passes, his little personality comes out more and more. He is so hilarious and too cute for his own britches.
Happy birthday, Squish! Thanks for all the hugs and kisses. And thanks for making us laugh every day. Daddy and I couldn't love you more.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKAI!!! We miss you so much!
I can't believe he is two! Wow, time flies! He's such a cutie and so are his little sisters! I hope you're all doing well!
I loved reading all about Makai since we don't see you guys very often. This blog just made me smile. So many cute things, I can't really pick out a particular one.
Happy Birthday Makai.
Happy Birthday Makai! What a cutie.
Awww, happy birthday to the Mak! What a sweet little guy.
Happy Birthday Makai!! Mak is so cute!! Its so fun to read about all the fun things he is doing! Hope you all had a fun day!
Happy Birthday Makee! Wee loves you!
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