The Girlies are crawling! Yes, I know that at ten months many babies are walking, but our kids do things on their own time, and that is okay. I feel like it happened so fast. Ry has been scooting around for a couple weeks, and Bai really hadn't been. Bailee started scooting one day and literally that afternoon started trying to crawl. They started crawling on the same day. And it's been chaos ever since.

My babies have not had good naps lately. It's like they have just discovered that they are in a room together. I will go in to check on them and they will be talking and giggling at each other. Bailee pushes down on her bumper so she can see Ry. Rylin crawls to the foot of her crib so she can pass Bai her binkies. Little Stinkers!Bailee
This is so funny. Bai gets up on her knees and just shakes the bars of her crib like "Get me outta here!"

This is always the look I get from Rylin if I get Bailee out of the crib before her. Luckily Makee usually keeps one baby busy until I can get the other one out.

BaiBai in her prison cell

Ry in hers

Mak doesn't have to worry about being stuck in his crib anymore. He can climb out! One day Dan put him down for his nap and heard little footsteps right behind him. The first morning he figured this out, I went in his room and he said, "Watch Mom!" And he proudly climbed out with a huge grin on his face.



Oh Boy. I leave them alone for one minute...

We got a new dryer. The box is the best thing that's happened to Mak in a long time. It became his "house." He spent hours in that thing, and he loved when we all joined him. After a few days we decided it was a little Dub T to have a giant cardboard box sitting in our living room. It took a little convincing, but Mak finally agreed to settle for a "new house" made out of a sheet downstairs.

Here is Daddy playing with his little girlies. Bailee is on the left, Rylin on the right

Aaah! Does Papa know he's squishing a Diny?

Grandma Anderson was in Salt Lake for Daniel's cousin's wedding. We got to hang out with her for a while between the wedding and the reception. We just love Grandma A! She is such a sweet lady. And Heather brought Beck, Nashy, and Kai to hang out too. (Dan is holding Bailee, Grandma is holding Rylin)

Here is Mak playing with his friend Jack. I'm so sad Jack and his family are moving in August! I think Makee and Jack could be really great friends. Okay, Jack looks a little scared in this picture, but he really does love Mak.

The Bai

Bai eating a very messy biter biscuit

And here is Ry! Believe it or not, she managed to make an even bigger mess than her Sissy.



Bai and Ry



Ama with Bai in pink, Ry in purple

The Ry and her bottie

The Bai and her bottie

Kay, here's a buttload of videos:
Here is Bai, our little crawling machine!
Ry Dog eating her treats
Mak's version of a somersault-yeah, we have to work on that.
Old McDonald Had A Farm (in case you couldn't tell)
More of the BaiMeister crawling
Mak loves the school in our backyard. He slides all the time
Both my boys going down the "thlides"
Mak loves making fake birthday cakes out of playdough and blowing out the candles
More sliding
The Ry doing her thing!
This blog post makes me heart hurt. Thanks for all the pictures, videos, and updates, I sometimes watch the videos and forget I'm not there with them.
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