Wednesday, February 24, 2010

They Must Be Twins

When I went to get Bailee and Rylin up from their naps today BOTH of them had their right socks off. How funny :)
Bai and Ry
Can you see Bai's little tooth?And Ry has two on the bottom!
Oh...And apparently they love their Mommy


whitnie said...

They are so dang cute! Mak looks so big. It's kinda sad how fast they grow up!

::Kayla:: said...


Whitney said...

Ooooh their teeth are so funny. I can't believe how cute they look with little teeth popping out. Also, their hair is way thick, I don't think Burt has nearly as much as they do now. Cute outfits too...I want to squish out their guts.

Unknown said...

They're ALREADY scheming and planning... heaven help you. ;)

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness, they are getting so big! They look like they have a great time together.