Thanks for joining us for some Anderson Family Fun!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I was just getting ready to graduate from that glorious experience called Junior High. I was so excited to enter the high school scene. Lindsey Cole and I were inseparable. In Junior High, I changed my nail polish nearly every day. I think I had about 75 different colors of nail polish. My friend Nicole bought me a big tub to keep all my nail polish in. I still have all of my nail polish even though it is old and crusty. I can’t bear to get rid of it!
Name 5 things on your to do list:
Organize my craft room
Work on Makai’s scrapbook
Go grocery shopping
Do some MAJOR Spring cleaning
Get rid of clothes I always think I will be able to fit in to one day—It’s not gonna happen!
What are some snacks you like?
Cheese and crackers
Sugar cookies, cake, brownies—anything with frosting! I have a horrible sweet tooth.
What would you do with a billion dollars?
A billion dollars? That is a crazy amount of money. I would either give our house an entire overhaul, including a whole new addition and digging out another floor under our basement so there is room to grow, or we would just move. But I really don’t want to move. I love the area we live in.
I think I would also help our families pay off their mortgages. I would set up a college fund for each of my kids. I would want to donate a large amount to people in need. And I would have to go on a major shopping spree. Would there be any money left after that? Well, if there was, I guess I would put the rest in savings.
Name 3 bad habits:
When I am stressed, I get tension headaches, so I roll my neck and close my eyes. For some reason, I think this helps relieve my headache. Apparently, I do it all the time. My whole family makes fun of me.
I get hooked on reality TV—Right now, I love American Idol (David Archuletta lives in our neighborhood!), the Bachelor, Here Come the Newlyweds (which just ended), and Oprah’s Big Give. That is the best show!
Now that I am obsessed with blogging, I have to check the internet at least four times a day. I love to update the blog, change things, and check for comments. I love when people leave comments! Sometimes, I can’t sleep at night because I am thinking about blogging. I am hoping this addiction will taper off.
Name 6 places that you have lived:
I have only lived in
What jobs have you had in order:
Westgate Resorts
Allstate Insurance
Creekside Home Health Care
Working Rx
Pleasant Green Elementary
Auto Rx
5 things people don't know about you?
I have never colored my hair
I don’t like to cook, but I love to bake. Cookies are my favorites.
I love snorkeling. The underwater world amazes me.
I am not an athletic person. I hope Makai inherits Daniel’s athletic genes, and not mine!
I have absolutely no sense of direction. Actually, I think most people know this about me. I have to have written directions pretty much everywhere I go. When I started 7th grade, I wrote out exact directions of how to get to each class—such as “Turn left, take about 20 steps, then turn right.” I know this sounds pathetic, but it’s true. Sometimes if I have to drive somewhere by myself for the first time, Daniel will take me for a “dry run” so I can find it. He will also write out exact directions for me. Isn’t he good to me?
Now I am going to tag…………………Nicolie, Heather, and Tiffany. Have Fun!
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