3 1/2 Weeks Old
Rylin Bailee We made these signs for the girls' room3 Weeks old
Bailee and RylinOur precious girls have had so many visitors since they have been born--especially since they have been home with us. Here are some cute pictures of everyone that love them:We took these pictures as soon as we brought little Bailee home to join Rylin and the rest of us. When Daniel and his mom put the girls together, they put their little heads right next to each other. It was so sweet! Daniel is holding Bailee and Lani is holding Rylin.Grandpa and Rylin and Grandma and Rylin. The pictures in the carseats were taken when we were on our way home with little Ry Ry.Papa and Bailee and Ama and Bailee. These were taken when we finally got to bring Bailee home from the hospital!Makee kissing his baby sister RylinMakee getting ready to give his baby sister Bailee a kiss
Beck (4 yrs. old), Nash (2), Mak (22 months), Drake (8 months), Kai (3 weeks), Rylin (1 1/2 weeks), Bailee (1 1/2 weeks)Papa with Bailee, Ama with Rylin, Makee and Daddy with BaileeRylin and Bailee together again! When we put the girls next to each other, they immediately put their little heads right together. So sweet! (1 1/2 weeks old)Cousin Brit with Bailee. Aunt Beck and Uncle Spence with Rylin. Papa showing two little girls to their proud big brother!Whit with Rylin and Aunt JoAnn with Bailee, my BFF Traci holding Rylin and me holding Bailee, and cousins Nick holding Bailee and Tara holding RylinAaron, Jared, Aunt Sue, Bailee, and CassUncle J (AKA Uncle G--AKA Yo-Yo according to Makee) holding Rylin and BaileeOur little Family of Five! I'm holding Bailee and Dan is holding Rylin.BaChan with BaileeBaChan with RylinMy sweet young women and leaders came to visit too! They brought some darling blankets for the girls, and a photo book with pictures of different activities we did together. It was so sweet of them! I was so sad to be released from YW, but I know it's a good time. I kinda have my hands full. But I sure do miss it and love them all! Here is everyone in the pic:
Me, Tracey, Trisha, Marti, Whit, Hailey, Katelyn, Jayde, Julie, Katie, Cindy, Quinn
Julie, Maddie, Natalie, Amy, Chandler, Tami, Sarah I love this picture of Makee after playing in the dirt. He loves the dirt! But don't let this sweet little face fool you. He has been a little Stinker lately. The little Mak Attack is still adjusting to life with two sisters. For the most part, he is still being very sweet to the girls. Once in a while, he will test us by belly bashing their heads, pulling their bottles out of their mouths or gently smacking them to see our reaction. But usually he is giving his sisters hugs and kisses. He loves them very much. He has definitely been a bit more naughty lately. He hasn't been obeying, and if he doesn't get his own way (especially when it comes to sharing with Isabelle) he screams and has a fit. It is definitely trying our patience. Sometimes I wanna shoot myself in the foot when I'm at my wits end. We're working on things, and I can't imagine how the poor little guy must be feeling. He has been through a whole lot of adjustments lately, and he has really done pretty well for all that has been going on. Soon after we got the girls home, Isabelle suddenly came down with the hand, foot, and mouth disease. I had never heard of it, but apparently it is a virus little kids get in the summer. It is very common and very contagious. They get a high fever and blisters and sores on their hands, feet, and inside their mouths. Sure enough, Makee came down with it. Even though he was sick, he was good enough to pose for this cute little picture of him. You can't really see the sores on his mouth, but they were there! It was totally stressful trying to keep him away from the girls. We had a couple really rough nights where Makee was pretty much up all night. Dan took care of him while I took care of the girls. Luckily, he was over his misery in a few days, and the girls were never affected by it. Phew! Mak is talking more and more every day. It's so fun to hear him say different things all the time. He can pretty much say everyone's names in the family. He calls my mom "Ama," my dad "Papa,", Daniel's mom "Nani," and Doug's Dad "Pappy." It is hilarious when he wakes up from his naps now because he just yells "Hi!" or "Dada!" or "Yo-Yo!" which is what he calls Jared. He yells for whoever he thinks might rescue him from his crib. Whenever he says "Bye," he yells "Buh-BYE!" as loud as he can. It cracks me up. Right now he calls "Milk" "Gunk," and "cookie" "Kookoo." If he wants to go outside, he will ask, "Side?" and then go get his shoes and say, "Shoe?" Right now his favorite movie is Toy Story. We watch at least twice a day. I know, I feel like a bad mom. But when I have babies to take care of, especially when they are attached to me at feeding time, there's not much more I can do to entertain him. It has been so hard not carrying Makee for the last six weeks. He has been so good about just holding my hand or letting me give him a hug, or climbing into my lap. For a few weeks, I had to wait for someone to either come put him in his crib or take him out after his naps and in the morning. But we figured out a system where he stepped on a stool in his crib, then up onto a box, up on his crib rail, and then I would help him down into the rocking chair in his room. It has become a little game to him. But it's so nice to be six weeks out fro my surgery so I can hold my boy again! So life is crazy right now! I feel like all I do all day every day is feed babies, change diapers, and do laundry. I feel like there is barely any time left to do anything with Mak. I'm glad he loves me unconditionally. And I'm glad he loveshis sisters even though they consume alot of my time right now. As chaotic as things are right now, I wouln't trade it for anything!
They are soooo beautiful.
Lyns your kids are just adorable! I just love looking at all of your pictures so when you do have time which I bet is limited keep them coming. I would love to bring you and your family in dinner, so let me know when would work for you.
It's fun to see an update on the girls. Seeing pictures week by week is interesting because they get more and more beautiful as each week goes by. The only thing is, I don't know how you can tell the difference between them in the pictures, maybe you are lying :) Makee is maybe a little naughty but he is a great big brother. I am a very proud aunt!
Gorgeous kids! You are amazing. Good job for all the work you've done to be able to exclusively breastfeed--you are amazing! (I think I said that already... I must really mean it.)
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