Fatty has been gone for three days now. We are still missing him tons. But I thought I would post some pics of some of the fun things we got to do together before he left. We had so much fun, and I'm so glad we spent so much time together, Every day I become more and more grateful to have such a close family. Most of our activities involved things Makee and Belly would like, but I don't think Fatty minded. He did mind all the pictures I took of him before he left. But I don't care.
Uncle J and Rylin

Uncle J and Bailee

Fatty with Rylin and Bailee

Helping YoYo pack for his mission! actually, Makee was helping him do better unpacking. I was okay with him helping unpack.

For our last weekend, we spent Saturday getting ready for the farewell. But in th afternoon, we all went to the zoo. Then we came back to our house and hung out in our backyard. we ate Jason's Deli, ice cream, brownies, and cookies. Yeah, we know to eat. Fatty isn't much of a fatty at all. He's not a real sweet tooth. But he did eat some of my brownies. we had a lot of fun that day.

Well, I've had a really hard time with Jared being gone. I didn't think it would be so hard, but I've been kind of a mess. I just have a meltdown every now and then. When we pulled into my parent's garage after dropping him off at the MTC, his car was sitting there, just like he left it, with his bandannas hanging from his rear view mirror. We all kinda lost it--especially my mom. Then she walked into the house and Isabelle asked "Where G go?" She calls Jared "G." Another melt down. Then later Makee came over to my parent's house, and he searched the house over calling for Yo-Yo. I have to admit I don't like being at my mom and dad's right now because everywhere you look there are reminders of Fatty. Pictures are everywhere, he left a tie out, he left his basketball shorts in the bathroom. Every time I see something of his, I tear up. I can't imagine what it's like for my parents. Even when I'm at home, I'll see a picture of him or something that reminds me of him and cry. I looked in the cupboard the other day an saw some leftover packs of Mac and Cheese I used to make him when he came over for lunch, and I lost it. It's so hard for me when Makee asks for YoYo because he doesn't understand. He has been such a sweet little guy. When he sees me crying, he comes over, gives me a love, and wipes away my tears with his chubby little hand. Oh,I love my little boy!
I know if we can make it through these next few weeks, it will get better. I hope I'm not sounding non-supportive. I just don't do well with change--especially when it involves my little brother being literally halfway across the world with no contact but an occasional letter. I know Jared must be doing better than we are. He adjusts pretty easily to things. We got his first letter, and he sounded pretty good. and that was his first night. I know he is going to do great. And even though it doesn't sound like it, I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else. In the long-term prospective, two years will fly by.

http://elderjaredgarrick.blogspot.com/ for updates!
Lyns, you and Whit's baby brother is leaving on his mission! We are really proud of him, he looked for grown up at his farewell! I just remember like it was yesterday the he was Hootie and us girls were the "blow fish" Ha! He is one cute guy and whatever girl gets him later in life is very lucky! We need to get together!
Lyndsie, I am so sorry (but glad) that your brother left! My little brother has only 9 months left of his mission! We bawled the whole way home from Provo. It does get a lot easier! Just give it a few more days!
Wow whit has grown! Cute though!
:( You guys do have such an awesome family. Sorry that you are all sad! The MTC is really the worst place in the world! But it does get better I promise:)
You guys are such a cute family. I know how it feels to be so protective of a little brother. I am so proud of Jared. He is going to be an awesome missionary. Best wishes to you all getting through this, but he'll be back before you know it.
What a great family!!! It might be hard at first, but being apart makes people stronger. I love reading your blog Lyns, you are always so detailed. Your kids are so cute! Would you mind asking Whit if I can be added to her blog list? My email is
Lindsay Railsback Dickerson
That is neat that your family is so close. Brothers serving missions is fun, but we do miss 'em.
This is sad. I am just barely able to read all this stuff cause of my broken computer but it is too sad. :)
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