FYI...My guts are spilled over the other side of that blue sheet

Rylin weighed exactly what Makee weighed

By 5:30, I was numbed up and laying in the operating room next to Dan. That is the weirdest feeling! I felt like I was an alien being disected. But it didn't hurt one bit. It was weird to feel all the tugging around in my stomach as they were working to get the babies out. My doctor said, "You're going to feel some pressure!" and suddenly I heard a baby cry. They brought Baby "A," our sweet little Bailee (we had already named the girls while they were in my stomach) for a quick look before they took her to check her out. Then in the same minute, I felt a litte more pressure, and then heard another little cry. They brought Baby "B," our precious little Rylin over so we could see her. I was so overwhelmed when I saw our two perfect little girls.
I've been so worried that I wasn't going to love these little girls as much as we love Makee. I don't know why, it's just been a worry. I love Makai more than I could ever imagine. And I think because I love Makai so much, seeing my little girls for the first time, I felt this incredible love for them immediately. It's so true that your love only grows more when you have more children. People always told me that is how it goes, but I didn't understand how it could be possible until I saw them for the first time.
Bailee and Rylin have been in the NICU for about a week and half. For the entire time, their only problem has been eating. They have been too tuckered out to eat from the bottle every single time. So they put some tubes in their noses that go into their stomachs. The girls were being fed through the tubes about every other feeding. But in the last couple days, they have really turned a corner. They have both been eating so well! Rylin was doing so well that the nurse decided to take out her feeding tube and feed her solely with the bottle. As soon as she took it out, Bailee pulled hers out on her own! I told the nurse she just wants to go home with her sister! So although Bailee is a little behind Rylin, the nurse decided to leave her tube out to see if she can eat on her own. So far, both girls have been eating completely on their own without the tubes. They have to eat for at least 48 hours on their own while gaining weight before they can go home. If all continues to go well, we will be able to bring Rylin home tomorrow! And we will be able to bring Bailee home in a couple days at the most. It was breaking my heart to think of leaving Bailee at the hospital without her sister, but I can handle it knowing that she is only one or two days away. I cannot believe how well both of them have done. They are little fighters! I can't wait to get them home to meet their big brother.
Oh poor little Makee has had a rough time! He had a really hard time while I was in the hospital. I missed him so much, and I think he missed me. He's been shuffled around from house to house, and it has been really hard on him even though he's at places of the people he loves. Since I've been home, it's been so nice to be able to spend some time with him. But it's been hard because I still can't do much, and I can't lift him. When he wakes up in the morning, or wakes up from his naps, I have to wait until someone can get over to pull him out of his crib. I know it's going to be a little hard on him when the girls actually get home. But it will be good to get into a schedule and be home with our entire little family. Mak has been so sweet since I've been home. He is constantly coming up to me and giving me loves. He's been such a good boy, especially considering that he has no idea what is going on, and his whole schedule has been turned upside down. We were showing Makee some pictures of his sisters, and he was smiling and looking at them. Then he said, "Buh-Bye!" when he was done looking at them. He won't be able to say "Buh-bye!" and make them disappear when they are here! I know he is going to love his sisters. I'm really looking forward to these next couple weeks because Dan is taking them off, and we will get to spend time together with our three little kiddos. Life is good!

Thanks for all the cute pics. And thanks for the darling little granddaughters. They are just beautiful. Can't wait to give them millions of kisses.
Ahhh! Two cute little girls. I can't believe you have 3 kids now! WOW. I am stressin on having 2. If anyone can do it you can though. Good luck and if you need anything please let me know.
This is a great post and lots of pics that I haven't seen before. I love my nieces and am so excited to get them home this week so I can hold them. They are going to be so much fun!
Oh Lynds! I'm so excited for you guys! I've totally wondered how I'll ever love my other kids as much as Caid. Its good to hear that it is possible! I'm so glad they are doing so good!
Thanks for sending the e-mail! We are so happy that all is going well! I love the pics of the girls! They are BEAUTIFUL! They will be in my thoughts til they are home with you guys. :) Leslie
congratulations to you guys. i am so glad that everything went well, i think of you often and i can't wait until you can bring your sweet girls home. isn't amazing how much love your heart can hold?
They are gorgeous! Congrats on your newest arrivals.
Those pics are beautiful! I'm so glad the girls are here and doing well, and you're doing well too. I know just what you mean about things being hard on Mak--I felt bad for Joshua the first week or so after Ella was born, but we quickly settled into a rhythm. You guys will too! You'll be amazed at how your love continues to expand and fill your family! We'll keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers! Lots of love.
What beautiful babies! I am so glad to hear that all is going well. I can't wait to meet them in person. Best wishes getting them home soon. We'll keep praying for you.
I am glad you are doing well! Your babies are soooo cute! Aren't C-sections fun (I've had 3)? I don't know how the other way goes... the recovery, not so fun. Careful to not lift ANYTHING bigger than your babies for a while!
I can't wait to see how these little ones grow and change!
I'm so happy to hear that everyone is doing so well! They are gorgeous, just like their mama! How fun for your family! It will be nice to have Daniel home for a couple of weeks!
I really enjoyed reading all about your delivery and everything that is going on with you new additions to your family. I'm glad that everyone is doing well and things are good. I'm also glad that you are able to get so much help from your family.
Congratulations!!!!! They are beautiful!!
Congrats Lindsey they are beautiful!!
Congrats! I'm so excited for you! They are so cute.
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