Thanks for joining us for some Anderson Family Fun!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I was just getting ready to graduate from that glorious experience called Junior High. I was so excited to enter the high school scene. Lindsey Cole and I were inseparable. In Junior High, I changed my nail polish nearly every day. I think I had about 75 different colors of nail polish. My friend Nicole bought me a big tub to keep all my nail polish in. I still have all of my nail polish even though it is old and crusty. I can’t bear to get rid of it!
Name 5 things on your to do list:
Organize my craft room
Work on Makai’s scrapbook
Go grocery shopping
Do some MAJOR Spring cleaning
Get rid of clothes I always think I will be able to fit in to one day—It’s not gonna happen!
What are some snacks you like?
Cheese and crackers
Sugar cookies, cake, brownies—anything with frosting! I have a horrible sweet tooth.
What would you do with a billion dollars?
A billion dollars? That is a crazy amount of money. I would either give our house an entire overhaul, including a whole new addition and digging out another floor under our basement so there is room to grow, or we would just move. But I really don’t want to move. I love the area we live in.
I think I would also help our families pay off their mortgages. I would set up a college fund for each of my kids. I would want to donate a large amount to people in need. And I would have to go on a major shopping spree. Would there be any money left after that? Well, if there was, I guess I would put the rest in savings.
Name 3 bad habits:
When I am stressed, I get tension headaches, so I roll my neck and close my eyes. For some reason, I think this helps relieve my headache. Apparently, I do it all the time. My whole family makes fun of me.
I get hooked on reality TV—Right now, I love American Idol (David Archuletta lives in our neighborhood!), the Bachelor, Here Come the Newlyweds (which just ended), and Oprah’s Big Give. That is the best show!
Now that I am obsessed with blogging, I have to check the internet at least four times a day. I love to update the blog, change things, and check for comments. I love when people leave comments! Sometimes, I can’t sleep at night because I am thinking about blogging. I am hoping this addiction will taper off.
Name 6 places that you have lived:
I have only lived in
What jobs have you had in order:
Westgate Resorts
Allstate Insurance
Creekside Home Health Care
Working Rx
Pleasant Green Elementary
Auto Rx
5 things people don't know about you?
I have never colored my hair
I don’t like to cook, but I love to bake. Cookies are my favorites.
I love snorkeling. The underwater world amazes me.
I am not an athletic person. I hope Makai inherits Daniel’s athletic genes, and not mine!
I have absolutely no sense of direction. Actually, I think most people know this about me. I have to have written directions pretty much everywhere I go. When I started 7th grade, I wrote out exact directions of how to get to each class—such as “Turn left, take about 20 steps, then turn right.” I know this sounds pathetic, but it’s true. Sometimes if I have to drive somewhere by myself for the first time, Daniel will take me for a “dry run” so I can find it. He will also write out exact directions for me. Isn’t he good to me?
Now I am going to tag…………………Nicolie, Heather, and Tiffany. Have Fun!
They are absolutely beautiful. Congratulations again! Makai is going to be a wonderful brother.
I can't wait to see these cute little girls! I must say how proud I am of you! You have been so positive and optimistic throughout all of this. These girls are so precious and Mak will be such a good older brother!
I'm so happy they are home and doing so well! I can't believe you are a family of 5!! You look so good!
Adorable... glad they are home safe and sound!
couldn't be happier for you lynds, let me know if you need anything.
That is so cute how Makai already loves his little sisters so much! What a precious family.
congrats to the Anderson's. One big happy family. It is cool how a mothers love can be so spread out and so strong all at the same time. My sister in law worried about loving her children the same and it is funny how you can. Good luck with all the sleepless nights. If you need a nap I am just a phone call away. Love ya lisa I think I might be hooked up to Josh's account in case this shows up as his response. Really this is me lisa Riches
Congrats guys! Whit keeps telling me hoe beautiful your girls are so I thought I would take a look for myself, and she was right:)
Sooo cute! Congrats!
The girls are adorable! I'm glad everyone is home.
Congrats on safe delivery to home of 2 sweet baby girls!
What a beautiful post! I'm so glad the girls are home and doing well. The pictures are so precious! Big hugs to you guys.
Your girls are perfect. You are such a darling family. Hope things are going well and you are hanging in there.
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